We recieve many calls asking about web memorials. Here is some information that we share with our bereaved clients.
Web memorials are personalized websites that allow the bereaved to create individual memorials to their deceased love ones, to visit the site and demonstrate affection.
To create a web memorial search, do an internet search and review a number of sites. Each is unique. Consider these factors when choosing a site: price, permanence, options for individualized memorials, and the community in which the memorial is housed.
Benefits of web memorials:
Emotional Expression
Demonstration of continuing bonds
Shared grieving
Community support
A bit of caution:
Limited research – There has been limited research on the benefits of web memorials.
Permanence – Some websites become obsolete and vanish. Some websites will maintain your memorial for limited periods of time.
Strangers – Many times, strangers will post letters of condolence. They may have hidden agendas and negative intentions.
Unintended memorials – There is a difference from posting condolences on MySpace versus web memorials. The web memorial is controlled by the bereaved.
Hope this helps.